Posted by: Taufan

taufan for zion sake
Symbols Are Powerful !
It symbolizes the power of YHWH The GOD of Israel to preserve The Jewish people despite the enemy’s plans to exterminate them. Today it is on the flag of a free and independent State of Israel, once again showing that Jews overcome and survive. Symbols also convey concepts and are chosen to display the history, the culture, or the faith of a people. Symbols often have deep personal meanings, as they can represent a person’s views, character, values, goals, likes, dislikes and other things. Therefore any attack on a dearly held symbol, can cause direct pain to the one, or to the ones that hold that symbol dear. Today 16 million Jews see the Star of David as symbolic with their essence as Jews.

The Magen David, or Shield of David, is a reference to YHWH Himself, as seen in 
Tehillim/Psalms 7:10, 
Tehillim/Psalms 84:11, 
Devarim/Deuteronomy 33: 29, 
Beresheeth/Genesis 15:1
and many other Scriptures. YHWH Himself is the MAGEN DAVID and the Magen/Shield/Star for all those like Avraham whose hearts are seeking after YHWH.

Early believers displayed the Star of David in their synagogues according to Encyclopedia Judaica and archeologist Stanslao  Lofreda’s A Visit to Capernaum. If believers in the 1st century way before Constantine arrived on the scene were using the Shield/Star of David as a symbol, end time believers should not worry about using it also.

Satanists have used many symbols including crosses, to pervert truth.
If they have perverted and abused the cross, or execution stake to symbolize their disdain and mockery of Yahshua’s blessed atonement, one would also expect them to mock the other symbol used by the House of Yahudah/Judah. As seen in satanic occult practices, these two symbols representing both houses, are the most abused and ridiculed symbols for their nefarious purposes, and are direct attacks on the atonement of Yahshua and on the Torah preserved by Yahudah. Anyone with an open mind, one can easily see that the pentagram used by the occult is a 5-pointed star and not the hexagram, or 6 pointed star used by Yahshua and YHWH. The Star of David is in fact symbolic of the 2 house restoration, with the 2 paleo daleds linked together as echad, both symbolizing the interdependence of both houses!

So those who wrongly demand that the Star of David be seen as occultic must also see the cross and many other symbols too numerous to mention, as also being occultic and not just launch a frontal attack on one symbol that has stood for Jewish triumph in the face of hate, and whose disdain of the symbol is an attack on Jewish Israel, that has already become a major stumbling block to 2 house reconciliation.

The TV Idol In Your Home
The television in our homes is in the shape of a rectangle, or square, both symbols used by Buddhists to chant, as in Buddhism and Confucius worship these shapes serve as altars and contain offerings to their deity, as well as housing other meditation tools for pagan worship. 
The Kabah in Mecca is also a box shaped like a television. Based on the rule of equity and Torah justice of equal weights and measures, all believers who attack the Star of David as occultic, must trash their TV sets and their HD home entertainment centers, since it is the same shaped symbol used as an altar of pagan worship by many occultists, atheists, agonistics and Muslims. 

Are you prepared to trash your 3,000-dollar home entertainment system? Why not? It is more of an affront to YHWH then a Shield/Star of David that’s for sure, as it is in most cases the primary family worship altar. 
If your TV is not the family altar, which dominates and preoccupies our lives, why do all face it, to eat with it, sleep with it, speak over it, and become preoccupied with it.
Have you ever noticed how all who would draw from its waves must face it in some manner of homage? And yet we do not hear Ephraim claiming the need to rid themselves of their TVs, which surely mimics the shape of many pagan items used in occult practices. My wife being a former Jewish Nitro Shoshu Buddhist has confirmed this for me personally.
The True Star of David
Since the Star of David so vividly portrays the Jewish people, is it any wonder s.a.tan has launched an all out assault on it, seeing it also represents YHWH and His servant David and ultimately David's Son, the Moshiach? Can’t you wake up with a newfound humility needed to take heed to what you hear and from whom you hear? Romiyah/Romans 14: 14 and Mishle/Proverbs 23:7 both confirm that the Star of David is not unclean, because nothing is unclean until man perverts it, just like man has perverted the Torah, the TV and the cross. Why should s.a.tan leave the Magen David untouched by his/her venom?

YHWH told Avraham that his seed would be literally as numerous as the stars of heaven. So that stars were assigned by YHWH to Avraham to represent all the children of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov. 
In Beresheeth/Genesis 37:9 the sons of Yaakov are seen as 11 stars. Eleven stars or magen shields were used to symbolize Yisrael in Yoseph’s dream. 
The Moshiach Himself is called YHWH’s STAR as seen in Bamidbar/Numbers 24:17-19. 
This is confirmed in Mattiyahu/Matthew 2:1-2 as the STAR of Beth-Lechem led the Jewish exiled Rav-Mags to the house of the young child Yahshua. 
This star was a planetary conjunction in the constellation of Pisces. 
YESHUA being born from David’s loins, as the prophesied Star of Deliverance from David, or of David, was thus the true “Star of David” and “Star of his loins.” 
Subsequently, every believer should be proud to be associated with that symbol and all it symbolizes.
Pointing To Our Future
Moreover the two parts of the star link together as echad/one symbolizing the plurality of manifestations downwards from YHWH towards mankind and mankind reflecting that image pointing upwards in his pursuit of YHWH and His goodness, so that both the Creator and creation look alike, as it is written ‘as we have born the image of the earthly in Moshiach YESHUA and through His redemption, will shall in fact also bear the image of the Heavenly Adam.’
So the Star of David is an exciting and vivid reminder of our future when we will be like Him, shining in that day when we see Him, as He really is, the bright and Morning Star of David (Gilyahna/Revelation 22:16.)

As YHWH began the Good News with a proclamation using the stars that would become the stars of David’s family, He ends this age with the rising of the One that is called in Scripture the bright and MORING STAR, 
YESHUA Himself, as He makes His appearance to lighten the darkness at the end of the olam hazeh/this age. 
In Gilyahna/Revelation 22:16, we see YESHUA Himself claiming that He is the very “Star of David” Himself, by stating that I am the Root and the Offspring of David THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR. If He is the Morning Star and offspring of David then by definition he Himself is the “Star of David.” 
Let YHWH be true and every false accusation a lie!!!!

Postscript-Some claim that in Ahmos/Amos 5:25-27 and Maaseh Shlichim/Acts 7:43 there are prohibitions against the Star of David. However a closer look at these verses indicate something quite different. In Amos 5:25 YHWH asks Yisrael, all 12 tribes, if they offered and worshipped Him correctly at one time. This is a rhetorical question, whose answer is yes. 
Then in verse 26, He adds a contrast to what had befallen Yisrael when they adopted the worship of both Moloch and Chiyun, symbolized by the stars of Moloch and Chiyun. So naturally YHWH rebukes their worship, their false elohim, and those pagan symbols that symbolize Moloch and Chiyun. 
They had even turned the symbols themselves into icons of false worship. Backslidden Yisrael (not Jews only) adapted these pagan symbols as objects of their own worship.

To state that the Star of Moloch is in fact the Star of David, is the worst kind of Scripture twisting imaginable, and is akin to saying that anyone who wears a brown shirt and brown slacks is a Nazi, because the Nazis wore brown shirts. It displays the ignorance of those running around propagating these attacks on David’s Star. These attacks are a step into the anti-Semitic world of illogical deduction and black- hole reasoning.

If the Star of David is the same thing as the Star of Moloch and the Star of Chiyun, then YHWH should have brought judgment on the disciples of YESHUA our Savior, since archeology in Capernaum and elsewhere prove beyond debate that early believers used the Star of David in addition to the fish, as symbolic of Nazarene Yisraelite faith.

Even though the fish was historically symbolic of Dagon, in the hands of the talmidim it was a kosher fish. Yet no doubt there are some that claim that that the early Torah keepers who followed YESHUA were really worshipping Dagon. Just as the fish of Dagon was NOT the fish of the disciples, in like manner the Star of these dieties were not the Star of David. There is no Scriptural or historical record of any of the 1st century elders rebuking believers for using the fish, and likewise there is no Scriptural, or historical record that forbids Jews from using David's Star, which when viewed through eyes of purity, speaks of the Moshiach YESHUA Himself.

Now lets tackle Maaseh Shlichim/Acts 7:43! This is Stephen’s personal recitation of Amos 5:25-27, where he confirms that Yisrael had adopted both Moloch and his symbol, in addition to the cochav or star symbol of Remphan-Derphan/Chiyun FOR WORSHIP. The point being in both Amos and Stephen’s declaration, that when backslidden Yisraelites (NOT JEWS ONLY) backslide, they tend to adopt both the pagan deity, along with their pagan symbol FOR WORSHIP, which in many cases were stars. Moreover Amos rebuked Yisrael 700 years before there was the first ever recorded historical reference to a Star of David.

Those who have attacked the Star of David would like us to think the Jews use an occult symbol and that they are YHWH’s prophets to reveal this hidden knowledge. The truth of the matter is that if anyone turns any star into an idol it is paganism, and if Ephraimites are honest, their ancestors also worshipped the same stars of the heavens, and the same stars representing the same false elohim that we Jews did. Both houses have had the same past sin!

The point of these 2 Scriptures is to warn ALL Yisraelites that we are to avoid THE WORSHIP of both pagan deities, their pagan names, along with their pagan symbols, which historically have often been stars. But no one can make a connection between these pagan symbols and the Star of David from Scripture, or history. Moreover, neither you nor I have ever met a Jew of any persuasion that actually worships the Star of David symbol. If a Jew really did do that most Jewish organizations I know would have them committed to a mental institution.

Finally what about the 2nd commandment where it is forbidden to make images of things in the heavens and earth and under the earth? Same principle. Any image made for worship is wrong and when Ephraimites or Jews worship any kind of image they are wrong. But even photos are images so all of those who accuse the Star of David as being an image of the stars in order to earn the right to even be taken seriously ought to start their own house cleaning by tossing out both their digital camera and their photo printers. Because after all, you never know when one of those photos may catch a shooting star.

Taught By Rabbi Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky 

President YATI Int’l Ministries 
Overseer B’nai Yahshua Synagogues Worldwide
9 out of 10 based on 3950 ratings. 9 user reviews.
Posted by: Taufan For the zion sake Updated at: 12:55 PM


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